Nude Eyeliner For Women With Dark Skin Tone

More like nude eyeliner inspiration.

The moment I put up this look up I got several emails from y'all telling me how the nude eyeliner did not work on you because your skin tone was medium dark - dark.

A white eyeliner is traditionally used to make eyes look bigger and the whites of the eye, brighter. Nude eyeliner serves the same purpose as a white one. While white makes for a stark contrast against medium / dark skin tones , the nude eyeliner softens the look while still managing to make the eyes look fresher, bigger & brighter.

The key is to apply the nude eyeliner just on your waterline and make a thin line at that. The moment it becomes a thick line that runs from waterline onto the lash line - its starts looking odd and almost ghost like.

I use the Julie Hewett Pencil in Omit - its a concealer pencil but its the only one that stays put for real long on my waterline and looks natural on my skin tone (NC 40) . If you have fair / light skin try a white pencil - Julie Hewett Hue Pencil - Aurora. It will give you this angelic / snow bunny like look. Other nude eye color options are Stila Kajal Eyeliner - Topaz.

And if you are still not convinced, check out the gorgeous Rachel Roy. This talented lady rocks the smokey eye with nude eyeliner ! The absence of a dark eyeliner on your waterline makes a huge difference . It makes me look a lot more fresher and lot less made up. Perfect for day time !

Indian Girl


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